
Aus Foxwiki

However, when I print such a list, the MediaWiki software prints the URL of every single external link, cluttering the hardcopy with useless text: I'm not interested in "link-text (" but only in "link-text".

Is there some magic word or even configuration setting to help me to get a "clean" hardcopy?


It's set up in the print stylesheet. You can add something like

.mediawiki .mw-body a.external.text:after,
.mediawiki .mw-body a.external.autonumber:after {
    content: none;

in your own stylesheet to override it.

  • I just couldn't make it work yet ... With monobook being chosen, the stylesheet should be .../wiki/User:Myname/monobook.css, right?
  • If you only want to change it for your own user (and per-user stylesheets are enabled) then yes.
  • Ok; seems the $wgAllowUserCss setting is missing in the LocalSettings.php. I'll need to wait for my colleague to return for this because I don't have administration access to the server...