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Access Control

You can control the users' access to the switch by filtering IP address, MAC address or port on this page.

Configure Access Control
  1. Enable Access Control globally, then select the control mode.
  2. Click Add to load the configuration page, select the access interface where to control the users' access, and specify the desired IP address/mask, MAC address or ports based on the control mode.

Global Config

Entry Config

Option Beschreibung
Access Control Enable or disable Access Control.
Control Mode Select the control mode for users to log in to the web management page.
IP-based Only the users within the IP-range you set here are allowed to access the switch.
MAC-based Only the users with the MAC address you set here are allowed to access the switch.
Port-based Only the users connecting to the ports you set here are allowed to access the switch.
Port/IP/MAC Displays the port number/IP address/MAC address of the entry.
Access Interface Displays the access interface you set of the entry.
Operation Here you can modify or delete the desired entry.

HTTP Config

You can allow or deny users to access the switch via a web browser on this page.

Global Config

Option Beschreibung
HTTP Enable or disable HTTP. When enabled, you can manage the switch through a web browser.
Port Specify the port used for HTTP.

Session Config

Option Beschreibung
Session Timeout Specify the session timeout time. The system will log out automatically if users do nothing within the Session Timeout time.

Number of Access Users

Option Beschreibung
Number Control Enable or disable Number Control. When enabled, you can control the number of the users logging on to the web management page at the same time. The total number of users should be no more than 16.
Number of Admins Specify the maximum number of users whose access level is Admin.
Number of Operators Specify the maximum number of users whose access level is Operator.
Number of Power Users Specify the maximum number of users whose access level is Power User.
Number of Users Specify the maximum number of users whose access level is User.

HTTPS Config

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), a security protocol, provides a secure connection for the application layer protocol (e.g. HTTP) based on TCP.

Global Config

Option Beschreibung
HTTPS Enable or disable HTTPS. HTTPS is based on the SSL or TLS protocol. It provides a secure connection between the client and the switch.
SSL Version 3 Enable or disable SSL Version 3 protocol on the switch. SSL is a transport protocol. It can provide server authentication, encryption and message integrity to allow secure HTTP connection.
TLS Version 1 Enable or disable TLS Version 1 protocol on the switch. TLS is a transport protocol upgraded from SSL. It supports a different encryption algorithm from SSL, so TLS and SSL are not compatible. TLS can support a more secure connection.
Port Specify the port using for HTTPS.

CipherSuite Config

Option Beschreibung
RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 Key exchange with RC4 128-bit encryption and MD5 for message digest.
RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA Key exchange with RC4 128-bit encryption and SHA for message digest.
RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA Key exchange with DES-CBC for message encryption and SHA for message digest.
RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA Key exchange with 3DES and DES-EDE3-CBC for message encryption and SHA for message digest.

Session Config

Option Beschreibung
Session Timeout The system will log out automatically if users are inactive for a time period equal to the Session Timeout time.

Number of Access Users

Option Beschreibung
Number Control Enable or disable Number Control. When enabled, you can control the number of the users logging on to the web management page at the same time. The total number of users should be no more than 16.
Number of Admins Specify the maximum number of users whose access level is Admin.
Number of Operators Specify the maximum number of users whose access level is Operator.
Number of Power Users Specify the maximum number of users whose access level is Power User.
Number of Users Specify the maximum number of users whose access level is User.

Load Certificate

Option Beschreibung
Certificate File Select the desired certificate to download to the switch. The certificate must be BASE64 encoded. The SSL certificate and key downloaded must match each other, otherwise the HTTPS connection will not work.

Load Key

Option Beschreibung
Key File Select the desired Key to download to the switch. The key must be BASE64 encoded. The SSL certificate and key downloaded must match each other, otherwise the HTTPS connection will not work.

SSH Config

SSH (Security Shell) provides security and powerful authentication to an unsecured remote management to ensure the management information is protected.

Global Config

Option Beschreibung
SSH Enable or disable SSH. SSH is a protocol working in application layer and transport layer. It can provide a secure, remote connection to a device. It is more secure than Telnet protocol as it provides strong encryption.
Protocol V1 Enable or disable SSH version 1.
Protocol V2 Enable or disable SSH version 2.
Idle Timeout Specify the idle timeout time. The system will automatically release the connection when the time is up.
Maximum Connections Specify the maximum number of the connections to the SSH server. New connection will not be established when the number of the connections reaches the maximum number you set.
Port Specify the port using for SSH.

Encryption Algorithm

Select the encryption algorithm you want the switch to support and click Apply.

Data Integrity Algorithm

Select the integrity algorithm you want the switch to support and click Apply.

Load Key

Option Beschreibung
Key Type Select the key type. The algorithm of the corresponding type is used for both key generation and authentication.
Key File Select the desired public key to download to the switch. The key length of the downloaded file ranges of 512 to 3072 bits.

Telnet Config

You can configure the telnet login on this page.

Telnet Config

Option Beschreibung
Telnet Enable or disable Telnet. Telnet is based on the Telnet protocol subjected to TCP/IP protocol. It allows users to log in to the switch remotely.
Port Specify the port used for Telnet.

Serial Port Config

You can configure the serial port parameters on this page.

Serial Port Settings

Option Beschreibung
Baud Rate Configure the baud rate of the console connection. The default value is 38400 bps.
Data Bits Displays the data bits.
Parity Bits Displays the parity bits.
Stop Bits Displays the stop bits.

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