apache2 - Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol Server
apache2 ist das Apache-HyperText-Transfer-Protocol-(HTTP)-Serverprogramm. Es ist so konzipiert, dass es als eigenständiger Daemon-Prozess ausgeführt werden kann. Bei dieser Verwendung wird ein Pool von Kindprozessen oder Threads erstellt, um Anfragen zu bearbeiten.
Im Allgemeinen sollte apache2 nicht direkt aufgerufen werden, sondern über /etc/init.d/apache2 oder apache2ctl. Die Standardkonfiguration von Debian erfordert Umgebungsvariablen, die in /etc/apache2/envvars definiert sind und nicht verfügbar sind, wenn apache2 direkt gestartet wird. apache2ctl kann jedoch verwendet werden, um beliebige Argumente an apache2 zu übergeben.
apache2 [ -d serverroot ] [ -f config ] [ -C directive ] [ -c directive ] [ -D parameter ] [ -e level ] [ -E file ] [ -k start|restart|graceful|stop|graceful-stop ] [ -R directory ] [ -h ] [ -l ] [ -L ] [ -S ] [ -t ] [ -v ] [ -V ] [ -X ] [ -M ]
Siehe auch
- /usr/share/doc/apache2/README.Debian.gz
- apache2ctl(8)
- Auch verfügbar im apache2-doc-Paket
- Debian specific
Information about Debian specific changes and configuration can be found in
- /usr/share/doc/apache2/README.Debian.gz
-d serverroot Set the initial value for the ServerRoot directive to serverroot. This can be overridden by the ServerRoot directive in the configuration file.
-f config Uses the directives in the file config on startup. If config does not begin with a /, then it is taken to be a path relative to the ServerRoot. The default is /etc/apache2/apache2.conf.
-k start|restart|graceful|stop|graceful-stop Signals apache2 to start, restart, or stop. See Stopping Apache for more information.
-C directive Process the configuration directive before reading config files.
-c directive Process the configuration directive after reading config files.
-D parameter Sets a configuration parameter which can be used with <IfDefine> sections in the configuration files to conditionally skip or process commands at server startup and restart.
-e level Sets the LogLevel to level during server startup. This is useful for temporarily increasing the verbosity of the error messages to find problems during startup.
-E file Send error messages during server startup to file.
-R directory When the server is compiled using the SHARED_CORE rule, this specifies the directory for the shared object files.
-h Output a short summary of available command line options.
-l Output a list of modules compiled into the server. This will not list dynamically loaded modules included using the LoadModule directive.
-L Output a list of directives together with expected arguments and places where the directive is valid.
-M Dump a list of loaded Static and Shared Modules.
-S Show the settings as parsed from the config file (currently only shows the virtualhost settings).
-t Run syntax tests for configuration files only. The program immediately exits after these syntax parsing tests with either a return code of 0 (Syntax OK) or return code not equal to 0 (Syntax Error). If -D DUMP_VHOSTS is also set, details of the virtual host configuration will be printed. If -D DUMP_MODULES is set, all loaded modules will be printed.
-v Print the version of apache2, and then exit.
-V Print the version and build parameters of apache2, and then exit.
-X Run apache2 in debug mode. Only one worker will be started and the server will not detach from the console.