
Aus Foxwiki

What is the backend?

  • The backend is the Typo3 part in which it is possible to manage all the parts of the website.
  • To enter in the backend of the website, just log in in Typo3
Backend home page

Backend structure

  • The backend structure is composed by 5 main parts:
  1. Top Bar: This gives access to the user settings, logout, search etc.
  2. Module Menu: Here it is possible to see all the functions and modules that will be needed to design and set the Website
  3. Page tree: Here it is possible to organize the structure and the pages of the website and to select the one that needs to be configured
  4. Content area: In this section it is possible to configure and modify the contents of the pages
  5. Docheader: The docheader contains contextual icons including close, save and preview. It also features other information and a drop-down menu with further actions which will appear depending on what actions you are performing.
Backend structure

Page tree

  • The page tree represents the hierarchical structure of your site and its pages.
  • In most cases this corresponds exactly to the navigation structure of your web site.
  • The page tree can be expanded by clicking the arrow to the left of each page.
Page tree structure

View page in frontend

  • To view the page in the frontend, click on the View webpage icon in the Docheader
Click this button to see the frontend

Create new pages wit drag and drop

  1. Clicking on the “Create new pages” icon (top left of the page tree)
  2. Drag and drop a “Standard” page to its desired location in the page tree
How to create a new page
  • Remember that the Page tree reflects the structure of the website, so pay attention to where you put the new page.
  • If you put the page on an existing one, a sub-page will be created

Content area

  • The Content area of a page is the area in which you can insert contents for the pages:
This is the area in which you can insert and organize the different contents
  • For more information about contents, visit this page: ----------------------------------

The top Bar

Top Bar