
Aus Foxwiki

Access Control

T2600G:Security:Access Security:Access Control

HTTP Config

T2600G:Security:Access Security:HTTP

T2600G:Security:Access Security:HTTPS

SSH Config

T2600G:Security:Access Security:SSH

Telnet Config

Option Beschreibung
Telnet Enable or disable Telnet. Telnet is based on the Telnet protocol subjected to TCP/IP protocol. It allows users to log in to the switch remotely.
Port Specify the port used for Telnet.

Serial Port Config

Option Beschreibung
Baud Rate Configure the baud rate of the console connection. The default value is 38400 bps.
Data Bits Displays the data bits.
Parity Bits Displays the parity bits.
Stop Bits Displays the stop bits.

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