getty - Unix program running on a host computer that manages physical or virtual terminals
- Infobox
- Ken Thompson
- C
- UNIX-like systems
, short for "get tty"
- Unix program running on a host computer that manages physical or virtual terminals (TTYs)
- When it detects a connection, it prompts for a username and runs the 'login' program to authenticate the user
Originally, on traditional Unix systems, getty handled connections to serial terminals (often Teletype machines) connected to a host computer
- The tty part of the name stands for Teletype, but has come to mean any type of text terminal. One getty process serves one terminal
- In some systems, for example, Solaris, getty was replaced by ttymon
Personal computers running Unix-like operating systems, even if they do not provide any remote login services, may still use getty as a means of logging in on a local virtual console
Instead of the login program, getty may also be set up by the system administrator to run any other program, for example pppd (point-to-point protocol daemon) to provide a dial-up Internet connection
Siehe auch
- BusyBox, that provides a getty
- GNU Core Utilities (implements stty)
- util-linux provides agetty
- man|8|getty|FreeBSD
- Text Terminal HOWTO from the Linux Documentation Project