needrestart checks which daemons need to be restarted after library upgrades.
USAGE Usage:
needrestart [-(v|q)] [-n] [-c <cfg>] [-r <mode>] [-f <fe>] [-u <ui>] [-(b|p)] [-kl]
-v be more verbose
-q be quiet
-m <mode>
set level of technical details
e (e)asy mode
a (a)dvanced mode
-n set default answer to 'no'
-c <cfg>
config filename
-r <mode>
set restart mode
l (l)ist only
i (i)nteractive restart
a (a)utomatically restart
ATTENTION: If needrestart is configured to run in interactive mode but is run non-interactive (i.e. unattended-upgrades) it will fallback to list only mode.
-b enable batch mode
-p nagios plugin mode: makes output and exit codes nagios compatible
-f <fe>
override debconf(7) frontend, sets the DEBIAN_FRONTEND environment variable to <fe>
-u <ui>
use preferred UI package (-u ? shows available packages)
By using one of the following options only the specified checks are performed:
-k check for obsolete kernel
-l check for obsolete libraries
ENVIRONMENT The following environment variables can be used to override the config file options. Command line parame‐ ters do always supersede them.
Change the configured restart mode (see also the -r parameter): (l)ist only, (i)nteractive or (a)utomatically
When used with apt-get(8) needrestart supports the following additional environment variables:
The debconf(7) frontend to use, can also set using the -f parameter.
If set to a non-empty value the apt-get(8) hook will not run needrestart after installing or updat‐ ing packages.