inxi - Command line system information script for console and IRC
inxi [-AbBCdDEfFGhiIjJlLmMnNopPrRsSuUVwyYzZ]
inxi [-c -NUMBER] [--sensors-exclude SENSORS] [--sensors-use SENSORS] [-t [c|m|cm|mc][NUMBER]] [-v NUMBER] [-W LOCATION] [--weather-unit {m|i|mi|im}]
[-y WIDTH]
inxi [--edid] [--memory-modules] [--memory-short] [--recommends] [--sensors-default] [--slots]
inxi [-x|-xx|-xxx|-a] -OPTION(s)
All short form options have long form variants - see below for these and more advanced options.
inxi is a command line system information script built for console and IRC. It is also used a debugging tool for forum technical support to quickly
ascertain users' system configurations and hardware. inxi shows system hardware, CPU, drivers, Xorg, Desktop, Kernel, gcc version(s), Processes, RAM
usage, and a wide variety of other useful information.
inxi output varies depending on whether it is being used on CLI or IRC, with some default filters and color options applied only for IRC use. Script
colors can be turned off if desired with -c 0, or changed using the -c color options listed in the STANDARD OPTIONS section below.