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blktool - Blockgeräteeinstellungen anzeigen oder ändern


Tunen der Low-Level-Blockgeräteparameter
  • blktool wird zum Abfragen und/oder Ändern der Einstellungen eines Blockgeräts verwendet
  • Gerät ist der Name des Blockgeräts, das abgefragt oder geändert werden soll

blktool wird zum Abfragen und/oder Ändern der Einstellungen eines Blockgeräts verwendet

  • Es ähnelt hdparm, ist jedoch ein allgemeineres Tool, da es auf SCSI-, IDE- und SATA-Geräten funktioniert

Dieses Programm ist für diejenigen gedacht, die wissen, was sie tun, und es sollte auf eigene Gefahr verwendet werden, da es Ihre Hardware beschädigen könnte


sudo apt install blktool




blktool [options] device [COMMAND]


Unix GNU Parameter Beschreibung
-f For a few commands, blktool will flush the buffers of the block device out to disk, before performing the requested command
  • Specify this option, "force", disables any flushing blktool would attempt to do
-t class where class is one of 'ide', 'ata', 'scsi', 'i2o', or 'auto' to override the default auto-detection of device class





blktool [options] device [acoustic-mgmt nnn]
blktool [options] device [block-sz nnn]
blktool [options] device [bus-id]
blktool [options] device [bus-state nnn]
blktool [options] device [class]
blktool [options] device [cd-speed nnn]
blktool [options] device [defect-mgmt off|on]
blktool [options] device [dev-keep-settings off|on]
blktool [options] device [dev-read-ahead off|on]
blktool [options] device [dma off|on]
blktool [options] device [geometry]
blktool [options] device [i2o-rcache nnn]
blktool [options] device [i2o-wcache nnn]
blktool [options] device [id]
blktool [options] device [keep-settings off|on]
blktool [options] device [media unlock|lock]
blktool [options] device [multiple-count nnn]
blktool [options] device [no-write-err off|on]
blktool [options] device [pio-data 16-bit|32-bit]
blktool [options] device [pio-mode nnn]
blktool [options] device [pm-mode nnn]
blktool [options] device [queue-depth nnn]
blktool [options] device [read-ahead nnn]
blktool [options] device [readonly off|on]
blktool [options] device [reread-part]
blktool [options] device [reset]
blktool [options] device [sector-sz]
blktool [options] device [sleep]
blktool [options] device [standby]
blktool [options] device [unmask-irq off|on]
blktool [options] device [version]
blktool [options] [version]
blktool [options] device [wcache off|on]
Befehl Beschreibung
acoustic-mgmt Query or set underlying device's acoustic level
block-sz Query or set device block size
bus-id Query device bus id
bus-state Query or set device bus state (0 off, 1 on, 2 tristate)
class Query the detected (or overridden, via -t) device class
  • Typically this will result in 'ATA' or 'SCSI' for most devices
  • Detection is based on device major; thus your SATA device may ap‐ pear as 'SCSI'
cd-speed Set CD-ROM device speed (in Kbytes/sec)
defect-mgmt Toggle underlying device's defect management (obsolete)
dev-keep-settings Toggle underlying device's revert-to-defaults-on-reset feature
dev-read-ahead Toggle underlying device's read-ahead feature
dma Toggle DMA data transfer
  • Omitting the on/off argument will print the current state
geometry Query device geometry (cylinders / heads / sectors / etc.)
i2o-rcache Query or set an I2O block device's read cache
i2o-wcache Query or set an I2O block device's write cache
keep-settings Keep settings across device resets
  • Omitting the on/off argument will print the current state
media Lock in (or unlock) a removable device
multiple-count Set multiple count for use in READ/WRITE MULTIPLE commands
no-write-err Toggle ignore-write-errors flag
  • Omitting the on/off argument will print the current state
pio-data ATA PIO data transfer via 16-bit or 32-bit I/O
  • Omitting the on/off argument will print the current state
pio-mode Set underlying ATA device's PIO data transfer mode
pm-mode Set underlying device's Advanced Power Management mode
queued-depth Query or set underlying device's queue depth
read-ahead Query or set block device read-ahead (in units of sectors)
readonly Toggle block device read-only setting
  • Omitting the on/off argument will print the current state
reread-part Re-read partition table
reset Execute device reset
sector-sz Query device sector size
sleep Put device to sleep immediately
standby Put device in standby mode
unmask-irq Toggle unmasked irqs
  • Omitting the on/off argument will print the current state
version Print version number and exit
wcache Toggle underlying device's writeback cache





Siehe auch


  1. BLKTOOL(8)


  1. blktool is available over the Web on the SourceForge site at http://sourceforge.net/projects/gkernel/