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This section discusses various implementations of the Kerberos 5 authentication protocol on Unix and Unix-like systems as well as on Microsoft Windows.


Kerberos provides mutual authentication of two communicating parties, e.g. a user using a network service. The authentication process is mediated by a trusted third party, the Kerberos key distribution centre (KDC). Kerberos implements secure single-sign-on across a large number of network protocols and operating systems. Optionally, Kerberos can be used to create encrypted communications channels between the user and service.

Recommended reading

An understanding of the Kerberos protocol is necessary for properly implementing a Kerberos setup. Also, in the following section some knowledge about the inner workings of Kerberos is assumed. Therefore we strongly recommend reading the excellent introduction Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Computer Networks first. No further overview over Kerberos terminology and functions will be provided, for a discussion and a selection of relevant papers refer to Kerberos Papers and Documentation. The Kerberos protocol over time has been extended with a variety of extensions and Kerberos implementations provide additional services in addition to the aforementioned KDC. All discussed implementations provide support for trust relations between multiple realms, an administrative network service (kerberos-adm, kadmind) as well as a password changing service (kpasswd). Sometimes, alternative database backends for ticket storage, X.509 and SmartCard authentication are provided. Of those, only administrative and password changing services will be discussed.

Protocol versions

Only the Kerberos 5 protocol and implementation will be discussed. Kerberos 4 is obsolete, insecure and its use is strongly discouraged.

Providing a suitable Setup for secure Kerberos Operations

The aim of Kerberos is to unify authentication across a wide range of services, for many different users and use cases and on many computer platforms. The resulting complexity and attack surface make it necessary to carefully plan and continuously evaluate the security of the overall ecosystem in which Kerberos is deployed. Several assumptions are made on which the security of a Kerberos infrastructure relies:* Every KDC in a realm needs to be trustworthy. The KDC’s principal database must not become known to or changed by an attacker. The contents of the principal database enables the attacker to impersonate any user or service in the realm.

  • Synchronisation between KDCs must be secure, reliable and frequent. An attacker that is able to intercept or influence synchronisation messages obtains or influences parts of the principal database, enabling impersonation of affected principals. Unreliable or infrequent synchronisation enlarges the window of vulnerability after disabling principals or changing passwords that have been compromised or lost.
  • KDCs must be available. An attacker is able to inhibit authentication for services and users by cutting off their access to a KDC.
  • Users’ passwords must be secure. Since Kerberos is a single-sign-on mechanism, a single password may enable an attacker to access a large number of services.
  • Service keytabs need to be secured against unauthorized access similarly to SSL/TLS server certificates. Obtaining a service keytab enables an attacker to impersonate a service.
  • DNS infrastructure must be secure and reliable. Hosts that provide services need consistent forward and reverse DNS entries. The identity of a service is tied to its DNS name, similarly the realm a client belongs to as well as the KDC, kpasswd and kerberos-adm servers may be specified in DNS TXT and SRV records. Spoofed DNS entries will cause denial-of-service situations and might endanger (i_mit_Realm configuration decisions_, 2013) the security of a Kerberos realm.
  • Clients and servers in Kerberos realms need to have synchronized clocks. Tickets in Kerberos are created with a limited, strictly enforced lifetime. This limits an attacker’s window of opportunity for various attacks such as the decryption of tickets in sniffed network traffic or the use of tickets read from a client computer’s memory. Kerberos will refuse tickets with old timestamps or timestamps in the future. This would enable an attacker with access to a systems clock to deny access to a service or all users logging in from a specific host.

Therefore we suggest:* Secure all KDCs at least as strongly as the most secure service in the realm.

  • Dedicate physical (i.e. non-VM) machines to be KDCs. Do not run any services on those machines beyond the necessary KDC, kerberos-adm, kpasswd and kprop services.
  • Restrict physical and administrative access to the KDCs as severely as possible. E.g. ssh access should be limited to responsible adminstrators and trusted networks.
  • Encrypt and secure the KDCs backups.
  • Replicate your primary KDC to at least one secondary KDC.
  • Prefer easy-to-secure replication (propagation in Kerberos terms) methods.Especially avoid LDAP replication and database backends. LDAP enlarges the attack surface of your KDC and facilitates unauthorized access to the principal database e.g. by ACL misconfiguration.
  • Use DNSSEC. If that is not possible, at least ensure that all servers and clients in a realm use a trustworthy DNS server contacted via secure network links.
  • Use NTP on a trustworthy server via secure network links.
  • Avoid services that require the user to enter a password which is then checked against Kerberos. Prefer services that are able to use authentication via service tickets, usually not requiring the user to enter a password except for the initial computer login to obtain a ticket-granting-ticket (TGT). This limits the ability of attackers to spy out passwords through compromised services.


Cryptographic Algorithms in Kerberos Implementations

The encryption algorithms (commonly abbreviated ’etypes’ or ’enctypes’) in Kerberos exchanges are subject to negotiation between both sides of an exchange. Similarly, a ticket granting ticket (TGT), which is usually obtained on initial login, can only be issued if the principal contains a version of the password encrypted with an etype that is available both on the KDC and on the client where the login happens. Therefore, to ensure interoperability among components using different implementations as shown in Commonly supported Kerberos encryption types by implementation. Algorithm names, a selection of available etypes is necessary. However, the negotiation process may be subject to downgrade attacks and weak hashing algorithms endanger integrity protection and password security.

This means that the des3-cbc-sha1-kd or rc4-hmac algorithms should not be used, except if there is a concrete and unavoidable need to do so. Other des3-*, des-* and rc4-hmac-exp algorithms should never be used.

Along the lines of cipher string B, the following etypes are recommended: aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 camellia256-cts-cmac aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 camellia128-cts-cmac. Commonly supported Kerberos encryption types by implementation. Algorithm names according to RFC3961, except where aliases can be used or the algorithm is named differently altogether as stated (Raeburn, 2005)

ID Algorithm MIT Heimdal GNU Shishi MS ActiveDirectory
1 des-cbc-crc yes yes yes yes
2 des-cbc-md4 yes yes yes no
3 des-cbc-md5 yes yes yes yes
6 des3-cbc-none no yes yes no
7 des3-cbc-sha1 no yes[20] no no
16 des3-cbc-sha1-kd yes[21] yesfoonote:[named des3-cbc-sha1] yes no
17 aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 yes yes yes yesfoonote:[since Vista, Server 2008]
18 aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 yes yes yes yes[22]
23 rc4-hmac yes yes yes yes
24 rc4-hmac-exp yes no yes yes
25 camellia128-cts-cmac yes[23] no no no
26 camellia256-cts-cmac yes[24] no no no

Existing installations

The configuration samples below assume new installations without preexisting principals. For existing installations:* Existing setups should be migrated to a new master key if the current master key is using a weak enctype.

  • When changing the list of supported_enctypes, principals where all enctypes are no longer supported will cease to work.
  • Be aware that Kerberos 4 is obsolete and should not be used.
  • Principals with weak enctypes pose an increased risk for password bruteforce attacks if an attacker gains access to the database.

To get rid of principals with unsupported or weak enctypes, a password change is usually the easiest way. Service principals can simply be recreated.

MIT krb5

KDC configuration

In /etc/krb5kdc/kdc.conf set the following in your realm’s configuration:

Encryption flags for MIT krb5 KDC

supported_enctypes = aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96:normal camellia256-cts-cmac:normal aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96:normal camellia128-cts-cmac:normal default_principal_flags = +preauth In /etc/krb5.conf set in the [libdefaults] section:

Encryption flags for MIT krb5 client
allow_weak_crypto = false
permitted_enctypes= aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 camellia256-cts-cmac aes128-cts-hmac -sha1-96 camellia128-cts-cmac
default_tkt_enctypes= aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 camellia256-cts-cmac aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 camellia128-cts-cmac
default_tgs_enctypes= aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 camellia256-cts-cmac aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 camellia128-cts-cmac
Upgrading a MIT krb5 database to a new enctype

To check if an upgrade is necessary, execute the following on the KDC in question: root@kdc.example.com:~# kdb5_util list_mkeys Master keys for Principal: K/M@EXAMPLE.COM KVNO: 1, Enctype: des-cbc-crc, Active on: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1970 *

In this case, an old unsafe enctype is in use as indicated by the star following the key line.

To upgrade, proceed as follows. First create a new master key for the database with the appropriate enctype. You will be prompted for a master password that can later be used to decrypt the database. A stash-file containing this encryption key will also be written. root@kdc.example.com:~# kdb5_util add_mkey -s -e aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 Creating new master key for master key principal 'K/M@EXAMPLE.COM' You will be prompted for a new database Master Password. It is important that you NOT FORGET this password. Enter KDC database master key: Re-enter KDC database master key to verify: Verify that the new master key has been successfully created. Note the key version number (KVNO) of the new master key, in this case 2. root@kdc.example.com:~# kdb5_util list_mkeys Master keys for Principal: K/M@EXAMPLE.COM KVNO: 2, Enctype: aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96, No activate time set KVNO: 1, Enctype: des-cbc-crc, Active on: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1970 * Set the new master key as the active master key by giving its KVNO. The active master key will be indicated by an asterisk in the master key list. root@kdc.example.com:~# kdb5_util use_mkey 2 root@kdc.example.com:~# kdb5_util list_mkeys Master keys for Principal: K/M@EXAMPLE.COM KVNO: 2, Enctype: aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96, Active on: Wed May 13 14:14:18 UTC 2015 * KVNO: 1, Enctype: des-cbc-crc, Active on: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1970 Reencrypt all principals to the new master key. root@kdc.example.com:~# kdb5_util update_princ_encryption Re-encrypt all keys not using master key vno 2? (type 'yes' to confirm)? yes 504 principals processed: 504 updated, 0 already current After verifying that everything still works as desired it is possible to remove unused master keys. root@kdc.example.com:~# kdb5_util purge_mkeys Will purge all unused master keys stored in the 'K/M@EXAMPLE.COM' principal, are you sure? (type 'yes' to confirm)? yes OK, purging unused master keys from 'K/M@EXAMPLE.COM'... Purging the following master key(s) from K/M@EXAMPLE.COM: KVNO: 1 1 key(s) purged.